Student Life

Opportunities for students to participate in activities beyond the classroom exist both during and outside school hours. These activities promote positive relationships among students, provide a chance for students to develop individual gifts and talents, and create ways to students to serve God and His people.
Athletics: With the exception of cross country which is for students in 1st – 8th grade, sports teams are typically available to 5th and 6th graders at the B level and 7th and 8th graders at the A level: Extracurricular teams are possible in the following sports: cross country, A and B girls volleyball, A and B girls basketball, A and B boys basketball, and track.
Scholar Bowl: Students in grades 5-8 compete against other schools to answer academic questions in a plethora of subject areas
Clubs and Groups: Students in K-8 are welcome to participate in a number of optional activities and clubs which vary from year to year:
- Read, Write, Run: Read books, do “right” acts of service, run for exercise - sponsored by St. Louis Go Marathon.
- Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: Led by outside groups on campus.
Middle School Drama:
Service: A mission outreach is chosen each quarter for chapel offerings. In addition to monetary participation, students often participate in bringing in, packing, distributing, and organizing donations specific to certain causes.