My SMLS: Information for St. Mark's Lutheran School Families

NEW families click here to register for the 2024-25 school year. Then select "Create a new account."

NEW families, click here to register for the 2025-26 school year. Then select "Create a new account."

Returning families, a re-enrollment link will be emailed to you on Monday, January 13 at 1:00 p.m. DO NOT create a new TADS account if you have forgotten your password or user id. Contact Leslie Martineau at if you did not receive the email.

2024-2025 Tuition Infant - Prekindergarten
2024-2025 Tuition Kindergarten - 8th Grade

2025-2026 General Information Letter
2025-2026 Tuition Infant - Prekindergarten (Returning Families)
2025-2026 Tuition Infant - Prekindergarten (New Families)
2025-2026 Tuition Kindergarten - 8th grade

Financial Aid Opportunities
TADS: Financial Aid Application
LESA: Lutheran Elementary School Association
Missouri District LC-MS Scholarships
Missouri's K-12 Scholarship Program

Bible Presentation for students in 1st - 3rd grade
Book Fair
Culver's Night Volunteers
Daddy Daughter Dance
Donuts with Grown-Ups
Early Childhood Family Fun Day
Eckert Family Farm (PK-8)
Eureka Days Parade
Fashion Show (Early Childhood)
Kindergarten Screening
Lego Building Night
Meet The Teacher
Move Up Ceremony (Early Childhood)
Movie Night
New Years Eve for Little Ones
Nutrition Detectives
Pancake Breakfast - National Lutheran Schools Week
Parent-Teacher Conferences (Pandas & Owls)
Pizza & Bingo Night
Pizza on the Playground
PTLS Volunteer
Polar Express Night
Shaw Nature Overnight (5th-8th grade)
Spring Fling
STEM Night
Trunk or Treat
Veterans Day

Athletics/Extra Curricular information is included in the Parent-Student Handbook.

Volleyball Tournament Sign-Up

Bowling (5th - 8th)
Camp Wyman (5th -8th)
Concordia Seminary Concert (3rd - 8th)
Faith In Action - Dollar Tree (5th - 8th)
Faith In Action - Eureka First Responders (3rd/4th) 
Faith In Action - Victoria Gardens (K - 2nd)
Lewis & Clark Boat House and Museum (3rd - 8th)
LCMS International Center (5th - 8th)
MADE for Kids (K-4th)
Missouri Botanical Gardens (K-8th)
Missouri Heritage Days (3rd & 4th)
Pumpkin Patch (PK - 8th)
Repertory Theatre (5th-8th)
Food Basket Shopping (3rd/4th)
Shaw Nature-Dana Brown Overnight Center (5th - 8th)
Sky Zone (3rd/4th)
St. Louis County Library (5th-8th)
St. Louis Zoo (K-8th)

The Magic House (PK-2nd)
Thierbach Apple Orchard (K-4th) 
Topgolf (8th)
Touhill Performing Arts Center (PK - 2nd)
Victoria Gardens 2024-25 (PK-8th)
Walking Field Trip-Shaw Park & Culver's (PK)


Bundt Cakes

I55 Book Fair


Parent Student Handbook (K - 8th grade)

I have read the entire St. Mark’s Lutheran School Parent-Student Handbook. I understand the information and agree to follow the guidelines and procedures in it.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Shop for your St. Mark's Lutheran School Spirit Wear.

Purchase additional "Endure" t-shirts here

Educate is the parent and middle school student portal for grades, report cards, calendar, lunch menu, attendance, and mass notification.

For sign-in information and questions contact Leslie Martineau at

Educate Sign-In Page

St. Mark’s Lutheran School Supply List for 2024-25

Please purchase the following items for your child to use during the school year.  Please mark all items with your child’s name unless otherwise indicated If your child loses or runs out of any item on the list during the year, please replace or replenish it as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Students at all grade levels are expected to have all supplies every day. Supplies need to be replenished as necessary.

INFANTS (Little Lambs) & PreToddlers (Elephants)
Diapers and Wipes
Diaper Ointment (if desired)
Pacifier (if desired)
2 full changes of labeled clothing (including socks) in
labeled Ziploc bags
2 compact crib sheets 24”x38” (will be sent home for washing)
Bibs/Burp Cloths – Optional (these items are supplied by
the classroom; however, some parents prefer to use
their own.)
A supply of prepared bottles for your child each day or a
can of formula/bottles to be prepared by the teachers
Labeled sippy cups, baby food, rice or cereal as needed
Please provide a sample feeding and nap schedule
1 small can of unopened Ready-made formula to be
used for emergency only
1 box of Kleenex tissues
4 rolls of paper towels
4 containers of Clorox disinfecting wipes

TODDLERS (Busy Birds)
3 boxes of Kleenex tissues – 175 ct.
6 containers of Clorox disinfecting wipes
4 rolls of paper towels
Diapers/wipes as needed
A cup labelled with name daily please
Nap mat/small blanket (full-day students)
6 packs of baby wipes (for class use)
A prepared lunch each day. Please remember to cut up
their food in bite size pieces. Please include an ice
pack to keep lunch cold
Backpack (w/extra change of clothes, including socks)

3 boxes of Kleenex tissues – 175 ct.
3 containers of Clorox disinfecting wipes
4 rolls of paper towels
Diapers/wipes as needed
Nap mat/small blanket (full-day students)
2 packages of napkins
1 large glue stick
1 4-pack of Play-Doh (Frogs only)
1 8-count Crayola Washable Markers (Monkeys only)
1 8-count Crayola Washable Crayons (Monkeys only)
4 packs of baby wipes (for class use)
1 bottle Elmer’s glue (Monkeys only)
1 bottle of Germ-X (Frogs only)
A prepared lunch each day. Please include an ice
pack to keep lunch cold.
Backpack (w/extra change of clothes, including socks)
Water bottle – filled daily

4 rolls of paper towels
18 Elmers glue sticks
2 packages of napkins
1 4-pack of Play-Doh
1 24 ct. basic color Crayola crayons
2 8 ct. Crayola washable markers (Classic colors)
1 scissors – Fiskars
3 containers of Clorox disinfectant wipes
2 boxes of Kleenex tissues – 175 ct.
3 containers baby wipes
1 bottle Elmer’s glue
1 Dry Erase Marker
1 pack of colored pencils
1 backpack – large w/change of clothes
Nap mat/small blanket (full day students only)
Water bottle – filled daily

18 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 bottle Elmer’s glue
1 scissors – Fiskars blunt
4 rolls of paper towels
2 Packages of napkins
2 boxes of Kleenex tissues – 175 ct.
1 4-pack of Play-Doh
2 8 ct. Crayola washable markers–classic color
1 pkg. 24 Crayola crayons
2 12 ct. pkgs. Crayola colored pencils
2 10 ct. thin washable markers – classic color
1 pkg. Water Colors
1 pkg. Dry Erase markers (colored)
3 containers Clorox wipes
3 containers baby wipes
1 backpack – large (w/extra change of clothes)
Nap mat (full day students only)
Water bottle – filled daily


KINDERGARTEN (Supplies do not need to be labeled)
2 boxes Crayola crayons-24 count
2 boxes Crayola Fine Tip markers-10 count
12 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 scissors - Fiskars 5” blunt
1 plastic pencil box with flip top lid (approx. 3"x4”x8”)
1 backpack-large enough for folders
1 set of headphones with a microphone
3 containers disinfecting wipes
2 boxes of tissues

FIRST AND SECOND GRADE (Items to be shared - no names necessary)
1 box Crayola crayons
1 box 8 Crayola washable markers
1 box Crayola colored pencils
1 scissors - - Fiskars 5” blunt
1 Elmer’s Glue - 4 oz.
6 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 plastic pocket folder
1 spiral notebook - 70 page - wide rule
1 pencil box
2 pkg. 4 dry erase markers (wide tip)
2 dozen sharpened #2 wooden yellow pencils (no mechanical pencils)
2 large boxes tissues
1 container Clorox wipes
1 roll paper towels
1 backpack
1 pkg. baby wipes
1 set of headphones with a microphone
1 box 24 Crayola crayons (optional)
1 box 8 Crayola Classic washable markers (optional)
1 Elmer’s Glue- 4 oz. (optional)
4 Elmer’s glue sticks (optional)
2 erasers - pink bevel
2 dozen pencils (wooden or mechanical)
6 blue or black erasable pens (frixion brand)
1 set colored pens (erasable frixion brand)
1 box Crayola colored pencils (optional)
1 pkg. 4 dry erase markers (wide tip)
1 pkg. 4 dry erase markers (fine tip)
1 scissors - 5” sharp point (optional)
2 spiral notebooks - 70 count wide rule
8 plastic 3 hole punched pocket folders
1 pencil box – plastic (optional for extra supplies)
1 pkg. Graph paper
3 highlighters (optional)
5 heavy duty plastic sheet protectors
1 3 ring zipper binder (1-½ - 2 inch, like Case-it or Five Star)
1 zipper pencil bag for binder
2 rolls paper towels
4 boxes of tissues
4 containers Clorox wipes
1 Bible (Faith Alive student Bible purchased from school or ESV Bible)
1 black Sharpie fine point
1 black Sharpie ultra fine point
1 backpack
1 set of headphones with a microphone
1 wireless mouse
*1 calculator basic functions (3rd-4th)
*1 Texas Instrument 30XA or 30S IIS Scientific Calculator (5th-8th grade)

*Students will be required to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days.

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