St. Mark’s Lutheran Church congregation acknowledges three types of membership: baptized, confirmed, and voting.
- Baptized members are those baptized in the name of the Triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and who are under the spiritual care of the church, including children who have not yet been confirmed, and those transferring from another Christian church where they were baptized.
- Confirmed members are those baptized members who have been instructed in the Lutheran faith, accepted the confessional standard, have completed the required instruction, and are not members of organizations whose principles and conduct conflict with the Word of God.
- Voting members are confirmed members who have reached the age of 18 years, have been received as confirmed members, and are not members of organizations whose principles and conduct conflict with the Word of God.
- Membership in this congregation shall be terminated as follows:
Membership shall be terminated by transfer to a sister congregation, by joining a congregation outside the fellowship of this congregation, by self-exclusion, by excommunication, or by death. Confirmed members who conduct themselves in an un-Christian like manner shall be admonished according to Matthew 18: 15 – 20. If they remain impenitent after proper admonition, they shall be excommunicated. In all disciplinary cases, the congregation will follow its stated and adopted guidelines for all disciplinary measures.
Our St. Mark's Church Directory is only available to St. Mark's Lutheran Church members. To receive a user name and password contact
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Ways to Give Your Tithes & Offerings
- Drop box located by the Worship Center doors
- Online giving
- Or mail to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church 500 Meramec Blvd. Eureka, MO 63025
Helpful links and resources.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS)
St. Mark’s Lutheran is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a 2.5 million member confessional Lutheran church body.
Missouri District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
“The Missouri District is to serve and encourage congregations to fulfill the Great Commission and to promote unity of the true faith.”
Concordia Publishing House
Publisher of the The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
A broadcast service of the LCMS.
JC Play Zone
The JCPlayZone website is offered by Lutheran Hour Ministries as a safe online play space for children ages 2-6 and their parents.
Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
Visit here to be refreshed through a meditation on God’s Word. The devotions are updated daily.
The Lutheran Witness
The official magazine for the laypeople of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Portals of Prayer
A daily devotion from Concordia Publishing House
Lutherans for Life
Equipping Lutherans to be gospel-motivated voices for LIFE.
Samaritan’s Purse, International Relief
St. Mark’s supports the Operation Christmas Child ministry project.
CALMS – Central American Lutheran Mission Society
St. Mark’s supports CALMS ministry in Guatemala. Our mission team visits twice a year.
Mission Friends
Discover what it’s like to be a missionary and have fun learning about different cultures.
Bundt Cakes
Endure T-shirts
Christmas Flowers - Poinsettia
Easter Flowers
Operation Christmas Child
Adult Bible Study (Passing On The Faith)
Be Bold
Bible Presentation for students in 1st - 3rd grade
Childrens Sunday School
Daddy Daughter Dance
Drive-In Movie Night
Eureka Days Parade
First Communion
Lego Building Night
My First Catechism
New Years Eve for Little Ones
Pizza & Bingo Night
Senior Send Off
Trunk or Treat
VBS 2025 Volunteer
Would you like to volunteer? Contact Us!
- Usher
- Worship Music Team
- Media Operator
- Hospitality (Making Coffee/Donating Baked Goods)
- Greeter
- Altar Guild (Communion Prep)
- Welcome Center
- Children’s Worship Bags
Adult Ministries
- Bible Study Leader
- 242 Coordinator
- Martha’s Heart Care Ministry
- Property and Maintenance Care
- Tuesday Morning Maintenance Crew
- Odd Jobs
High School
- Bible Study Teacher
- Event Coordinator
- Event Chaperone
- Trip Adult Chaperone
- Fundraiser Coordinator
- Mulch Adult Volunteers
Jr. High
- Confirmation Small Group Mentor
- Confirmation Prayer Partner/ Secret Pal
- Event Chaperone
- Event Coordinator
- Sunday School Teachers
- Sunday School Leader
- Sunday School Helper
- Little Worship Leader
- Family Event Planner
- V.B.S.
Community Outreach
- Room at the Inn
- Ministry to the Blind
- Serve St. Louis
Finance Team (background in accounting or finance)
A big part of St. Mark’s Youth Ministry is our trips. We value the impact of Youth Mission Trips as they have shown to be life-changing events. They give teens the opportunity to live for days thinking first about the very real needs of others and come to appreciate the blessings we enjoy as a part of our daily lives. The depth of this realization can change how they relate to God and those who are in need.
St. Mark’s 2023 Arizona Mission Trip Information
In a region where Christians are often disdained for their faith, there are churches across the Navajo reservation striving to honor God in the midst of challenges. Join us on this mission trip in the remote desert to build relationships with Native American brothers and sisters. You will serve alongside them to assist their local church and needs in the surrounding community. It’s an amazing opportunity to serve while immersed in the Navajo culture! This will be our 10th trip to Black Mesa to stay at Pastor JR’s church and work in the community!
Who is invited: Anyone entering high school through entering your second year of college in the Fall of 2023
Where: Black Mesa, Arizona
When: June 9-18, 2023
Cost: $850 per person, which includes: Four nights in a hotel while traveling, 15-passenger van rental and gas, lodging and food while at the mission site, and side trips. You will need to bring money for food, snacks, and souvenirs while traveling.
What we will be doing: Participating in projects such as painting, roofing, drywalling, and other home repairs. Pastor Bob will teach you whatever you need to know! You will have the opportunity to work with the Navajo people and build relationships by tangibly sharing God’s love. And you get to try your hand at making Navajo Tacos! There will be a bonfire one night and hiking in Box Canyon.
Lodging and food: It is so beautiful there – wait till you see the view! We will sleep at the local church on top of Black Mesa. Inflatable mattresses will be set up on the floor. There is no running water at the church. You will be using outhouses and taking showers in outdoor shower stalls. Experience Mission will prepare our meals each day.
Schedule for the week:
Friday, June 9: Depart from St. Mark’s after VBS (at noon)
Saturday, June 10: Travel Day
Sunday, June 11: Arrive at Black Mesa, get settled, and have an orientation
Monday, June 12 - Friday, June 16: Serve the people on the reservation
Saturday, June 17 - Sunday, June 18 – Travel back home
IMPORTANT: Cut off date to sign up for the trip is February 22, 2023! Don’t miss out – space is limited! You will have a fun time while serving and making new friends! A $200 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot.
Fundraisers: There are five opportunities to earn money for your trip this spring: Mulch Sale, working at the Spring Fling, Spring Yard Sale, Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast, and T-Shirt Sale.
Pre-Trip Bible Studies: Pastor Bob Liebmann will be leading these studies on the following Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m.: March 8, April 12, May 10, and June 7. Pizza will be served for dinner!
If you want to go on the trip, you must register ASAP since spots are limited. Text your email address to Sheri Haas at 314-313-5599, send it to Jackie Langley on GroupMe, or email Sheri Haas at: Sheri will send you a registration link. Do not pay any money on the registration website. We pay all of our fees together.
If you want to read more about the mission site, go to and click on 1-2 Week Mission Trips. Then go to “Navajo Nation, Arizona.” You will be able to learn more about where we will be and what we will be doing. (And you will see a photo of a familiar face on the website!)
Questions? Contact Jackie Langley, Pastor Bob, or Sheri Haas. (Call the office at 636-938-4432 to obtain contact phone numbers.)
National Youth Gathering
Every three years we take a break from missions and attend the National Youth Gathering. The gathering is in New Orleans, LA July 19-23, 2025.
Click here to get the latest information!
LWML: St. Mark’s Women's Ministry is a part of LWML. Lutheran Women in Missions, supports our mission service to our community and other parts of the world. Putting mites (monetary coins) in our purple/white box under the dove helps us provide for others who don’t have as much.