First Communion
Dear Parents,
It is time to train the next class of youth to receive the Lord’s Supper, a powerful gift from the God who loves us and knows just what a Christian needs to thrive in this world. I look forward to our time together as we look into the Word of God and learn about this blessing.
The Communion Seminar is a three-session series beginning Sunday, October 27 and ending on November 10. Classes will be held in room 105 during the Sunday School hour at 11:00 a.m. First Communion is on the following Sunday, November 17 with a reception to follow in the church lobby. This series is intended for the 6th- grade families, but we also include the families of 7th and 8th graders who have not yet had the training.
This training is vital to the proper understanding of the Sacrament of the Alter and critical instruction in the self-examination commanded in 1 Corinthians 11. Because of this, it is very important to make every effort to attend each class and be faithful in preparing for the interview after the class on the November 5.
It is expected that at least one parent will attend the class with your student so that you will be able to discuss what is taught and are better able to answer questions your child may have.
The topics covered will be:
October 27 : Self Examination: How? and Why? (1 Corinthians 11)
November 3: The History of the Lord’s Supper. (Exodus 5-12).
This class will be followed by a Pizza Lunch, during which I will be interviewing students
November 10: What We Receive in the Holy Meal: The Real Presence and the Benefits of Communion
Please submit the applications below.
Serving Him with you,
Pastor Bob Liebmann
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